My friend Jorye passed away on May 24, 2008. It's amazing how quickly a year can fly by. Jorye was just shy of his 11th birthday when he passed away. When I met him he had osteosarcoma and had just had his leg amputated at the knee. He was seven years old.

After months of countless tests, chemo treatments, and hospital stays it seemed like Jorye was getting better -- it appeared that the cancer was gone. Jorye went back to school, his friends and the happy life he had with his wonderful family.

My friendship with Jorye started because he loved TV news! This boy was wise beyond his years; I could have the most interesting, intelligent conversations with him. We talked on the phone and emailed each other regularly. He came to our studios with his family and tried anchoring the weather. We had a blast doing it!

Jorye's cancer did come back in a different form. This time it was leukemia - more chemo, more tests and then a date for a bone marrow transplant. He never received the bone marrow transplant.

I have saved all my emails from Jorye... I go through them every now and then and read through them - they make me cry and smile. Here's one of my favorites;

Hi Tamara,

How's Hawaii? Are you enjoying good Hawaiian food? What is Hawaiian food? Are Beckett and Dave enjoying Hawaii? I am still at B.C. Children's Hospital. I would feel up to a visit when you return to Vancouver. I will keep you updated on where I am. I'll go now so you can enjoy Hawaii!


PS. Do you mind helping me for a homework project? I'm doing a table or graph on people's favourite way to enjoy potatoes for math. Do you mind telling me yours and Dave's favourite way to enjoy potatoes? Thanks!

This was my last email chat with Jorye;

Hi Tamara,

Sorry I haven't replied back for a couple of days, I've been in pain. I would love to have visitors, but I think we should wait until I'm back at Ronald McDonald House, that way I can see Beckett and Dave one last time before my bone marrow transplant.

Thanks and Talk again soon,


Tamara Taggart wrote:

Hi Jorye,

Well, this is obviously not the news we wanted but this will turn around and all will be good.

I know how tough this is for you and your family. Will you feel up to having visitors during your stay at Children's? If not, I understand.

Let me know how you're feeling, I'd love to come and hang out for a bit.

Talk soon, Tamara xo

From: Jorye

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday, I went in for my central line to be inserted. They also did a bone marrow biopsy when I was in the OR. Today, we learned the results of the biopsy. The results showed that my leukemia cells had grown to 18%. I am now at BC Children's Hospital for 6 days of chemotherapy starting tomorrow.

This means that my bone marrow transplant will not be held on May 29th as scheduled, it will be delayed.

We just wanted to provide you with this update. Thank-you and talk soon,


I was with Jorye in his last hour of life; it was the most excruciating experience for everyone that loved him.

It was my honour to know him and to share some very fun times. It was an odd pairing, a 10-year-old boy from Chase, B.C., and a CTV Weathercaster, but we were good pals.

My favorite day with Jorye was when Dave and I took him to Nick's Spaghetti House for ravioli - he had never had it before - a fond memory I will cherish forever.

Jorye taught me many things, the most important being to love life and cherish each moment. I think of sweet Jorye every day and how lucky I was to know him.

Jorye's friends are celebrating his life in the month of May by wearing Gratitude T-shirts every Friday, if you'd like to buy a Gratitude T-shirt in Jorye's favorite color, you can e-mail Sharla at The shirts are $15 each and the money raised will go to B.C. Children's Hospital in Jorye's name. There's also a Gratitude Walk in Chase, B.C., on Friday May 29th starting at 1:15pm at Haldane Elementary School, where a plaque will be placed under the tree that was planted in his name.

In his very short life Jorye touched many people, we all know how lucky we are to call him a friend, and we are all better people for knowing him.