Most of my friends with children work, I also have a few friends who decided to stay home and now that their kids are older they are reentering the workforce. I do not judge my friends who stayed home and they don't judge those of us that returned to work after having a baby.

As you can imagine, this subject can turn into a heated debate quite quickly. A previous blog had a comment posted that said I should stay home, "I'm the only mother my children have..."

Well yeah, I know that.

The other day I was getting groceries at my local supermarket and a woman stopped Zo� and I in the dairy section and asked why I was going back to work. I wasn't sure how to answer her without seeming rude or worse -- getting into an argument. There are working moms and dads everywhere; CTV is full of them. In fact, I look to many of my colleagues to see how they have balanced their careers and families.

But what gets me is why it is always the woman who is judged and questioned about returning to work. And why is it that the person asking this question always another woman?

A man has never asked me that. Shouldn't women be supporting each other?

I believe women are very capable of raising families and running companies... oh here we go -- the debate starts! Balance is attainable, it is a juggle and a challenge but women find a balance that works for them all the time. At the end of the day it comes down to choices, it's the right of every woman to figure out what works best for her family, if that means working -- great, if it means staying home -- great.

I love my kids more than anything in the entire world -- they hold my heart. I also love my job, I have worked very hard over the past 17 years and I am excited about returning to CTV. I have a husband who is an amazing father. We definitely parent as a team and we're very fortunate because both of our extended families live close by. This all makes returning to work easier.

I want to hear what your experiences are. Have you faced this situation and how did you handle it?

Our double stroller has been putting on some kilometres lately, check out some recent photos of Beckett and Zo� from our walk today.

Till next time,
