Happy New Year!

Can you believe how fast a year flies by? What is it about having kids that makes time fly by so fast? Dave says it's because we're awake more hours in the day and we're so busy during those hours...could be! We had a great holiday, it was a bit hectic and being snowed in didn't help. Beckett and Zo� experienced their first snow, Beckett loved it, Zo� didn't really notice. It was a lot of work to get their snow suits and boots on - all for a photo op - but hey, we may not see that much snow for another 40 years so I had to seize the opportunity!

I'm back on-air at CTV on Monday February 2nd.  I have mixed feelings about it, don't get me wrong, I love my job and I'm really looking forward to returning to something that I enjoy so much, but I also love being with my babies, it feels so natural and it's such a beautiful way to spend my time - with the people who hold my heart. Like every other working parent my challenge will be to slow down and find that perfect balance.

I'm looking forward to 2009, it's going to be a great year...that's what's so wonderful about January - the year is ahead of us and it's filled with possibilities.

It will go fast, so enjoy!
