When I was a kid, Sunday dinner was a big deal. It was so great, my nanny and grandpa would come over and we would eat dinner and have fun as a family. I really looked forward to Sundays, sometimes we would go out for dinner - quite often we would meet our cousins and aunts and uncles in Chinatown and have a night of food and fun. Unfortunately the older I got, the less we met on Sundays...life was too busy, people divorced and our family drifted apart.

Imagine my excitement when I met Dave and discovered that he had family dinner at his mom and dad's house every single Sunday! It quickly became a tradition again, what a great way to reconnect, share a laugh and feel the love of family. Now that we have two babies it's much harder to go to someone's house for dinner - you know what I mean - if bedtime is 7:30 p.m. and dinner is a 45 minute drive away....well it just doesn't work. Last Sunday we went for family dinner at grammy & grandpa's house, we left at 7:00 p.m. and Beckett fell asleep in the car - when we got home he woke up and was not interested in going to bed. That 45 minute "cat nap" meant that Beckett didn't fall asleep until 9:00 p.m.

Do you find it easier to have people over for dinner? I think I do, it's more work with preparing and clean-up but at least my kids stay on schedule. I never really understood people who stuck to a schedule - I do now! Anyway, I love Sunday dinner & it's a tradition that I want to keep strong for my growing family.

I have posted some photos of the kids from a few family meals....good times.
