Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my dog Stanley. He's my dream dog. I always wanted an Airedale, I couldn't wait to get one - I had Airedale calendar's, Airedale postcards....I lived in a condo so it was just a dream.

After Dave and I moved into a house there was no stopping me, I did my research and found a breeder in Chilliwack. There was a baby boy ready for me, we drove out to Chilliwack to pick up the pup that I have always wanted. Dave drove home while I sat in the front seat with Stanley asleep on my chest, I was overwhelmed with happiness.

Stanley and I have shared many tender moments together, we have dressed up in costumes for Halloween, he's strutted in fashion shows and been to charity events. He's a bit of a celebrity, when we go out people walk by us with a "Hi Stanley", he get's recognized when he's out with my father-in-Law, it's quite funny.

Stanley's life has changed a lot in the last two years.....he was the king of the castle, numero uno, the big show....first came Beckett and now Zo�. Stanley is no longer the king of the castle.

I feel terrible. My love for Stanley hasn't changed, I just don't have the time I use to have to spend with him. Now when I walk in the door after work I run to my kids and walk right past the wagging boy who loves me unconditionally. I didn't even realize I was doing it until we noticed that Stanley was feeling blue. I know I'm not alone here - right?

So now I make sure I tell Stanley everyday how much I love him and appreciate him. He's so sweet with Beckett and Zo�, he's incredible gentle with them and lets them grab his tail, pat him roughly and tug at his beard.....he loves to sit under the highchairs - such a good time! Both Beckett & Zo� are in awe of Stanley, they are all great pals. I grew up with pets and I'm so happy that my kids get to share the same experience.

Stanley is family.