VANCOUVER - I love Christmas, it's my favorite time of the year. I'm a nester, always been, I like to stock-up the house and stay in until the New Year and if I can be in my pajamas - even better. This Christmas we're a family of four, last Christmas we were three, the year before it was two - it's crazy how fast life changes. So far we have seen Santa three times, Beckett still hasn't warmed up to the big guy, I think it's the facial hair. This year I'm looking forward to having our families here for dinner, it's clear to all of us that this is a new beginning - there's kids now and this holiday will revolve around our love for them. We went to the CTV Kids Christmas Party for the first time, what a great day - it's amazing to see your co-workers with their kids - it's a good reminder that what's most important is waiting for you at home.

Some of my best childhood memories are from Christmas, I loved having my grandparents near, staying up late, putting the cookies out for Santa and of course - opening presents...good times that I hope to recreate for my kids.

Happy Holidays!
