I have been meaning to start a blog for a while now but it's been a little busy around here! Someone asked me the other day if two kids is more work than one - uh, the answer is YES!

Our new baby girl Zo� is great; she's five weeks old and growing so fast. Zo� was eight pounds one ounce when she was born on September 24 - today at the doctor's she weighed 10 pounds 10 ounces! She's a good little eater.

Beckett is awesome! He seems like such a big boy now that his little sister is here. Dave and Beckett are at Beckett's swimming lesson right now, so it's just me and Zo� hanging out at home.

Stanley is getting use to having two babies in the house; I spend a lot of time explaining to him that Beckett's toys are not for chewing.

I'll check in weekly on this blog... need to go now, Zo� is a bit dramatic (I don't know where she gets it from) and she needs to be fed NOW.

Talk soon, Tamara