Movie stars are paid to look great on the red carpet, but some claim to have a secret weapon that's available right here in Vancouver. It’s called the cold laser deluxe facial.

The treatment starts with a microdermabrasion session to get rid of the dead skin cells, which is then followed by a red light cold laser treatment. The red beam is supposed to regenerate collagen, and make your skin smoother and firmer.

The wand head is then switched to a blue cold laser beam which kills acne bacteria.

Then the entire face is covered by a light panel that cycles from infrared light that helps diminish scars, back to the bacteria killing blue light. 

The final step is a healing session of light and oxygen.

Salon owner Fotini Corlett says the results are astonishing.

"I started doing it on myself and after my fourth treatment I could not believe the results. It's lifting, and it evened out my skin tone," said Corlett.

Chandra DeCosta has had six sessions of the treatment.

“It just really brightens everything up and kinda lifts it and it's noninvasive, so that's my favorite thing. It doesn't scare me," she said. 

The cold laser treatment at Vancouver Cold Laser on West Broadway is $159 and it's recommended you go more than once.

Another treatment generating buzz is the Oxygeneo treatment, which uses carbon dioxide to turn back the clock.

The Oxygeneo facial uses a combination of anti-aging ingredients like retinol and hyaluronic acid that are painted onto the face. That is followed by an exfoliating wand with a special tip.

"It's a cap made of sodium bicarbonate magnesium and citric acid which starts to break down in conjunction with the product, and causes the Co2 bubbles. As it breaks down it has a little bit of a texture to it, so it's buffing the skin, sloughing the dead skin off," said Katie Rietta, Oxygeneo specialist.

The Co2 then draws super oxygenated blood to the surface of the skin. The bubbles are supposed to make the skin more receptive to the anti-aging ingredients.

The Co2 facial promises to make your skin look younger in just 14 minutes.

"I was a little nervous in the beginning. It did feel a little tingly and warm, but it wasn't at all painful," said Ruth Wingein, an Oxygeneo facial customer.

The Oxygeneo facial at Paris Clinique on West Broadway costs $150 a session and it's recommended you have more than one to get the full effect.