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Vancouver woman who claimed bank was trying to kill her has foreclosure appeal dismissed

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A Vancouver woman who stopped paying her mortgage because she believes it has been forgiven as part of a "new world order" has lost her latest effort to fight the foreclosure and sale of the property.

Karen Wai King Lew's latest appeal was heard in B.C. Supreme Court on Nov. 6, and the decision in the case was posted online Tuesday

Lew asked the court to set aside an order made by Supreme Court Master John Bilawich that granted vacant possession of the home to the Bank of Montreal, arguing that Bilawich was "prejudiced" and "biased," and that his decision "was arbitrary, contradicting and wrong."

She also told the court she believes the bank and its lawyers are trying to kill her, and repeated arguments based on what Supreme Court Justice Sandra Wilkinson describes in her decision as "the fantastical doctrine of NESARA/GESARA."

Those acronyms stand for the "National Economic Security and Reformation Act" and the "Global Economic Security and Reformation Act," respectively.

Collectively, they are a conspiracy theory that a secretive, powerful group is attempting to rule the world through a single global government – the so-called new world order. Believers of this hoax say the first act was secretly passed by the U.S. congress, and the second was accepted on a global scale.

"As she did on prior applications, Ms. Lew submitted that all debt, including hers, will be forgiven or otherwise wiped out in December of this year under a new world financial order," Wilkinson's decision reads.

"As before, Ms. Lew did not provide the court with any Canadian or British Columbia legislation implementing NESARA or GESARA. Nor did she provide any legal authority incorporating the principles of NESARA and GESARA into creditor-debtor law or the law of foreclosure in British Columbia. There was no evidence before Master Bilawich and there is no evidence on this appeal that the mortgage was forgiven."

The judge found that Bilawich had the authority to grant the bank vacant possession of the property, and noted that the courts have an obligation to ensure the best possible price is realized during foreclosure sales.

"Ms. Lew had refused to answer phone calls, letters, emails and text messages from the bank's agents to arrange for access to the property and refused to come to the door when they visited," the decision reads.

"She alleges the bank is trying to kill her and that is why she does not allow them to enter. Before Master Bilawich, she proposed the bank sell on a bare land basis so as to avoid the necessity for entry. However, Master Bilawich considered this to be against her financial interests."

Given Lew's refusal to co-operate with the process and the court's obligation to ensure the best possible price for the benefit of all parties, Wilkinson wrote that the master's decision seems "eminently reasonable."

"There is nothing in the record or the reasons to indicate any bias or prejudice on the part of Master Bilawich," the decision reads. "He thoughtfully considered Ms. Lew's arguments and reasons for an alternative basis of listing the property. There is no merit to Ms. Lew's assertion of bias or an apprehension of bias."

Accordingly, Wilkinson dismissed the appeal.

She also awarded special costs to the bank because of Lew's conduct during the litigation.

"Ms. Lew repeats in her written allegations of criminal conduct (fraud, theft, and attempted murder), by the bank and its counsel, continuing to do so in her oral submissions," the judge writes.

"Her evidence in support of these allegations is a series of observations of unknown persons driving by her home and taking pictures, as well as the conduct of the proceedings generally. This is reprehensible conduct worthy of rebuke by way of special costs."

With files from's Kendra Mangione Top Stories

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