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Park board looking at how to 'reduce private vehicle traffic' in Stanley Park


Amid ongoing controversy over a temporary bike lane and after a long weekend that saw drivers frustrated -- the Vancouver Park Board is asking for feedback on how to decrease private vehicle traffic in Stanley Park.

The board has launched a survey, open until June 9, as part of the Stanley Park Mobility Study

"What do you think is important in improving access and enjoyment of Stanley Park for everyone?" it asks.

A statement from the City Of Vancouver explicitly draws attention to issues drivers had getting into the park over the holiday weekend as one reason why answering this question needs answering now.

"Traffic congestion over the recent long weekend underlined how important it is that we make access to the park more accessible. Traffic congestion has been common over peak periods in the park for many years and the most recent long weekend was the busiest May long weekend the park has ever seen," a statement on the website says.

A study of this kind hasn’t been done since 1996.

The priority, according to the city is "focusing on sustainable transportation modes and looking to determine the potential opportunities and challenges of different approaches to reducing private vehicle traffic within the park."

The goal is both to shape long-term plans and to identify "more rapid improvements to address congestion at entry and exit points from the park and make continual improvements to the temporary bike lane." the statement from the city continues.

After the May long weekend, a debate over the temporary bike lane flared up once again.

The separated bike lane has been in place since the early days of the pandemic, initially to move cyclists off the seawall and allow for greater physical distancing. In October the Vancouver Park Board voted to extend the project until the Stanley Park mobility study was complete.

The configuration of the lane through Stanley Park involves one-way traffic along Beach Avenue, meaning cars can only exit onto Georgia Street, creating bottlenecks at the exit when vehicles are leaving during peak hours, and on some weekends. Top Stories


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