Another video has emerged of a Vancouver driver getting themselves into a spot of trouble, this time on a crowded pathway in a downtown park.

A white Hyundai can be seen cruising along the shared pedestrian and cyclist pathway at Sunset Beach, just about fifty yards away from the ocean.

“Slow down you’re going to kill someone,” can be heard shouted in the background as the 25-second-long video, posted to Twitter by Josh Loewen (@joshtastic) late Aug. 9, begins.

“Clearly this is both a safety risk and unacceptable,” wrote Vancouver Park Board commissioner John Irwin in an email to CTV News Vancouver Monday afternoon.

Cell phones are in the hands of a number of park-goers as people audibly scoff and chuckle in the background, with one social-media savvy watcher gently crowing “Hashtag Seawall Vancouver” as the vehicle slowly passes a cyclist.

Riders on the path slow down and veer away from the car as it rolls towards the Burrard Street Bridge and the end of Sunset Beach.

Unsurprisingly, the City said in a statement to CTV News Vancouver that motorized vehicles are “strictly prohibited” on the seawall and that signage and physical barriers are in place to keep people away.

“We are in the process of investigating how a vehicle accessed the path and will be reviewing the area to ensure appropriate deterrents are in place,” wrote the City’s acting senior communications manager Barb Floden.

“We likely require better bollards, or barriers for vehicles in this area, as I’ve heard reports from staff about this before,” Irwin added, saying he had forwarded the video to his the other park board commissioners.

Vancouver Police Department spokesperson Sgt. Jason Robillard confirmed the police were not called in relation to the incident.

Floden says anyone that sees someone driving in a prohibited area like a park should call the VPD non-emergency line at 604-717-3321 or dial 3-1-1 to call the City.