More people snap social media self-portraits in Victoria, B.C. than anywhere else in Canada, according to a Time Magazine list of the “selfiest” cities in the world.

The not-so-scientific ranking was calculated using more than 400,000 Instagram photos that were tagged with the word “selfie” and included geographic coordinates.

Cities were then organized by how many selfie-takers they contain per 100,000 people.

Victoria came in at 91st globally with 35 selfie-takers per 100,000 residents. The B.C. capital topped Edmonton’s 98th place ranking and Toronto’s 158th spot.

Vancouver didn’t place.

Time ranked Makati City, Philippines as the “selfiest” city on Earth, with 258 selfie-takers per 100,000 people.

The publication acknowledged its methodology wasn’t perfect, noting that not every picture tagged “selfie” is an actual selfie.

The Oxford Dictionary, which declared selfie the word of the year in 2013, defines the term as “a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam.”

The selfie, embraced by some and considered a scourge of social media by others, made headlines earlier this month thanks to Ellen DeGeneres’ star-studded snapshot taken live during the Oscars ceremony.

The photo was re-tweeted more than 2 million times, breaking a Twitter record.

Months earlier, President Barack Obama was criticized for taking part in a selfie during Nelson Mandela’s funeral.

For the rest of the Time Magazine rankings, click here.