Looking to add a Japanese maple, crimson passion cherry or little ruby fig to your garden?

Hundreds of trees are on sale for just $10 each as part of the Vancouver Park Board's semi-annual event. But those looking to buy should act fast. Within the first day, many types were already sold out.

Evergreen, fruit and flowering varieties "of every shape and size" are available through the board, which says it has options for spaces ranging from small balconies to sweeping yards.

A total of 1,500 trees went up for sale online Tuesday.

The board's aim is to replenish Vancouver's tree canopy through planting on private property.

"Our urban forest plays many important roles: it cleans the air, absorbs rainwater, provides bird habitat, and improves our health and well-being," Park Board Chair Stuart Mackinnon said in a statement announcing the sale.

"The Park Board wants to help everyone grow our urban forest through the $10 tree sale."

Trees can be purchased in advance on the city's website, then picked up at the Hillcrest Centre on Sept. 21. 

A limited number of trees will also be for sale from 2 to 4 p.m. at the site, available to Vancouver residents who missed the online booking and bring cash.

Buyers must prove they live within the city by showing a driver's licence or recent bill.

The next sale will be in the spring.