This idea comes from a viewer and we wanted to pass it on.

"Angela" wrote to say she had shaved almost $40 off her Shaw cable bill. Here's how she did it.

She was a high definition cable subscriber -- with the movie option. Her bills were $83.95 a month plus taxes.

High Definition TV 67.95

Movie Channel 16.00

Total $83.95

She called for a bill review, and realized she was paying for low definition channels she was no longer watching. Now she pays only for basic cable plus nine dollars for hi-def channels -- bringing her monthly bill to $44.95 before taxes.

That's $39.00 less than she was paying before!! She is getting fewer channels -- but they're ones she says she wasn't watching.

Basic cable 33.95

HD Plus 9.00

New Total $44.95

$83.95 - $44.95 = Total Savings $39.00

This might remind you of when we showed people how to save on their phone bill. In that case --people could get exactly the same service for less. Telus will lower your monthly phone charge from $24.95 to $20.95 a month if you also subscribe to their internet service. The price is now posted on their website.

This all shows it's worth reviewing all your bills from time to time to see what savings you can realize. Be nice. But be prepared to shop around. After all it's your money.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Chris Olsen