Helissa Duplassie and her children spent the first day of Spring Break at Crash Crawly’s, a Coquitlam Family Fun Centre, but they won’t be going back.

Duplassie says her 11-year-old daughter Amelia hurt her leg on a play structure.

"She came and got me in tears saying that she had fallen through,” said Duplassie.

The portion of the play structure Amelia says tripped her up is criss-crossed with duct tape, something the girl says she didn’t think much about at first.

"I'm trusting adults, right?” she said. “They're in charge of the children and if that's what it is, then it must be safe, right?"

After her daughter told her about the fall, Duplassie complained to the manager.

"He didn't ask if she was okay, he didn't ask if she wanted ice or anything, he didn't apologize to her,” said Duplassie. “He told me that he was really busy that day and what do you want me to do?"

Duplassie posted pics of the duct tape to Facebook.

CTV News offered Crash Crawly’s an opportunity to respond to the criticism, but a manager said he was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter and instead sent a strongly worded statement from the company.

"We had a manufacturer repair specialist look at it, and it is completely safe, as we already knew,” reads the statement. “This situation is being blown completely out of proportion including defamatory statements made on a Facebook page. We will be taking legal action at this point for defamatory comments."

Customers leaving Crash Crawly’s Tuesday said the duct tape was still there.