Champagne, cocktails and coffee drinks with whipped cream are part of many holiday celebrations, but you need to watch those liquid calories to avoid packing on the pounds.

"Having just a couple holiday drinks can be the equivalent of an entire meal," said Consumer Reports ShopSmart's Lisa Lee Freeman.

  • Bailey's Irish Cream has more than 300 calories and 13 grams of fat.
  • Hot buttered rum has close to 400 calories and almost 30 grams of sugar.
  • Starbucks' Venti Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha has 700 calories, 27 grams of fat, and 95 grams of sugar.

"If you just have to have one of those sweet holiday coffee drinks, skip the whipped cream and whole milk. That will save you 100 calories or more, not to mention all the fat and sugars," Freeman said.

A good alternative is the Starbucks Grande Skinny Peppermint Mocha. It has just 140 calories and very little fat.

Another way to cut back is to avoid drinks that are creamy or are made with sweet, syrupy mixers. Another trick is simply to add club soda or seltzer to your drinks.

A wine spritzer and a martini on the rocks each have zero grams of fat and less than 150 calories.

Eggnog is a holiday tradition that can also be a real diet buster. A smart swap is soy-based Silk Nog. That way you can celebrate with less than half the fat.

Jacob Sweetapple, an award-winning mixologist at Vancouver's Chambar restaurant, says using seasonal fruits in beverages is also a great calorie cutter.

Another ShopSmart tip for keeping liquid calories under control is to resist refilling your glass before it's empty. Refilling too soon is a surefire way to lose track of how much you are drinking.

And have a glass of water after any cocktail you have. That will keep you hydrated and help prevent over-consumption of calories and alcohol.

Here's the recipe for Sweetapples' decadent Vancouver Breakfast Flip cocktail, made with maple bacon ice cream.  And remember, enjoy in moderation!

Vancouver Breakfast Flip


  • 1 1/2 oz Buffalo Trace Bourbon
  • 1/2 oz Cinzano Orancio
  • 2 teaspoon size scoops of- maple bacon ice cream
  • 1/4 oz sugar syrup
  • 1 whole egg.


Incorporate all ingredients in a mixing glass. Top with ice and shake for approx. 30 seconds. Strain mixture into a martini glass and enjoy.

Watch CTV News for a full report from Lynda Steele…

Have your say: What's your favourite holiday drink?