VANCOUVER - Just like with major sporting events, you can wager on the outcome of Canada's 2019 federal election.

Gambling organizations have come up with some creative new betting categories for Election Day.

Odds-makers at Sports Betting Dime say the Liberal Party (2/3) is favoured to win the most seats, and Emmanuel Macron is favoured to be the first foreign leader to congratulate the winner (2/1).

Boris Johnson, Donald Trump and Angela Merkel are also strong contenders for the first congratulations, according to their betting odds.

Odds-makers also predict the official victory Tweet from the winning party will come at 11:51 p.m. and that voter turnout will be 65.5 per cent.

If you bet on there being a tie for the most seats, you could be in for a big payout with 100/1 odds.

Once Canada's next prime minister gets their victory speech underway, there are certain phrases you can bet on them saying.

The favourite is "choose forward," followed by "get ahead," "unprecedented" and "cooperation between parties."

Finally, you can place bets on the length of the next prime minister's first handshake with U.S. President Donald Trump: over or under 9.5 seconds.

To follow all of's election coverage, visit our dedicated online hub.