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Increased patrols near places of worship after Israel attack, but 'no specific threat' in Vancouver, police say


The Vancouver Police Department says residents may see additional officers patrolling near some places of worship and community centres in the wake of Saturday's deadly attacks in Israel.

"There is no specific threat to public safety in Vancouver," the VPD said in a social media post, describing the escalation of violence in the Middle East as "a great concern to many people in our community." 

Police said they were working with "law enforcement partners and community leaders to ensure everyone's safety."

Israeli authorities said more than 200 people were killed and 1,100 wounded when Hamas militants broke out of the blockaded Gaza Strip and into nearby Israeli towns in a surprise attack Saturday.

Israel responded with airstrikes in Gaza, with its prime minister saying the country is now at war with Hamas and vowing to inflict an "unprecedented price."

The Palestinian Health Ministry reported at least 232 people killed in the Gaza Strip and 1,700 wounded in Israeli strikes. 

The Hamas attacks drew swift condemnation from U.S. President Joe Biden and from Canadian leaders, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre. 

B.C. Premier David Eby and Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim also condemned the attacks on social media.

The attacks come at a time of historic division within Israel over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's proposal to overhaul the judiciary. Mass protests over the plan have sent hundreds of thousands of Israeli demonstrators into the streets and prompted hundreds of military reservists to avoid volunteer duty – turmoil that has raised fears over the military's battlefield readiness and raised concerns about its deterrence over its enemies.

It also comes at a time of mounting tensions between Israel and the Palestinians, with the peace process effectively dead for years. Over the past year Israel's far-right government has ramped up settlement construction in the occupied West Bank, Israeli settler violence has displaced hundreds of Palestinians there, and tensions have flared around a flashpoint Jerusalem holy site.

Israel has maintained a blockade over Gaza since Hamas seized control of the territory in 2007. The bitter enemies have fought four wars since then.

With files from The Associated Press Top Stories

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