Authorities say the blaze burning south of Kelowna, B.C., could be contained by Tuesday night, thanks to increased manpower and favourable weather conditions.

The forest fire, currently about seven hectares, is burning in Bellevue Creek, about 12 kilometres away from the city limits.

B.C. Fire Information Officer Elise Riedlinger says the 20-person firefighting team has doubled, and their presence should be able to contain the fire.

'We got another 20-person unit crew today, and five pieces of heavy equipment," Riedlinger said Tuesday. "We are expecting to hear that it's going to be contained."

Riedlinger says fire crews worked through the night Sunday to construct a road to the fire, to overcome access problems firefighters experienced at the outset.

The blaze is close to the historic rail trestles of Myra Canyon, which were recently rebuilt after the massive wildfires of Kelowna six years ago.

Those fires destroyed more than 200 area homes, and damaged many more.

Province on alert

Meanwhile, a state of emergency has been declared near Lillooet as crews struggle to contain a 40 square kilometre forest fire.

The Tyaughton Lake fire has been growing steadily since it was accidentally started by a camper 10 days ago.

Evacuation orders are in effect for Liza, Carol Lakes, Marshall, as well as Mud Creek, Gun Creek Road and Tyaughton Lake.

With files from The Canadian Press