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CTV Election 2022: Watch our live coverage here


Update: CTV's election special has ended. Find all of our coverage on our 2022 election page

As communities across British Columbia elect new mayors and councillors, the best place to watch for up-to-the-minute results and analysis is right here.

Mi-Jung Lee and Bhinder Sajan are co-hosting CTV News Vancouver's live election special, with more than a dozen reporters and experts providing updates and context throughout the night.

CTV News journalists St. John Alexander, Michele Brunoro, Rob Buffam, Penny Daflos, Regan Hasegawa, Ben Miljure, Shannon Paterson, Alissa Thibault and Maria Weisgarber are reporting live from candidates' headquarters across the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island, while anchor Andrew Johnson interviews guests in studio.

Our in-house panel includes former Surrey mayor Dianne Watts, former Vancouver city councillor George Affleck and Research Co. pollster Mario Canseco.

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