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COVID-19 outbreaks that killed 3 at Richmond care home, hospital have ended, health authority says

Vancouver -

A pair of COVID-19 outbreaks in Richmond that infected a total of 18 people, killing three, are now over.

Vancouver Coastal Health announced the ends of the outbreaks at Richmond Hospital and Richmond Lions Manor-Bridgeport in a news release Saturday.

A total of 13 people tested positive for the coronavirus in the hospital outbreak, which was in the acute care for the elderly unit. Two of those who tested positive were staff members, according to the health authority, and two deaths were associated with the outbreak.

At Richmond Lions Manor, three residents and two staff members tested positive, according to Vancouver Coastal Health. One resident died.

"VCH shares its heartfelt condolences with the families, friends and loved ones impacted by the COVID-19 outbreaks at Richmond Lions Manor-Bridgeport and Richmond Hospital," the health authority said in its release.

Both the hospital and the long-term care home have reopened to admissions and transfers, but visitation remains limited at both sites.

Vancouver Coastal Health said the care home is "working to resume all group activities and visitation," but did not provide a timeline for when that might happen.

CTV News Vancouver asked the health authority whether those who tested positive in the outbreaks had been vaccinated against COVID-19 and received the following statement in response:

"Vancouver Coastal Health does not provide information on the vaccination status of staff member or patient cases associated with an outbreak." Top Stories

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