It's not looking good for supporters of the single transferable vote.

Sixty per cent of B.C. voters would have to support STV for it to pass, along with the majority of voters in 60 per cent of ridings.

But a growing number don't like it. In an Angus Reid poll commissioned by CTV and The Globe and Mail, 55 per cent support the current system. Only 45 per cent of the 1,000 people questioned are in favour of STV.

Read: A crash course on everything STV.

The poll also asked about raising the minimum wage. The NDP promises to hike it from $8 - $10 per hour.

And the majority of British Columbians appear to like the idea. Sixty-five per cent of those polled want it raised. Here's the gender breakdown: While 55 per cent of men like the idea, 71 per cent of women approve of the hike.

And even though it's not a Liberal policy, 42 per cent of Liberal voters want the minimum wage to increase. The poll has a margin of error of 3.1 per cent, 19 times out of 20.

The real battle for politicians during this campaign is how to captivate voters in the middle of the Canucks playoff run. Did they succeed?

Our poll asked "What are you following more closely, the campaign or the Canucks playoffs run?"

Forty-five per cent said the election, but the majority said they're more engaged with the Canucks. And another interesting note: of the parties, apparently the Liberals are the most avid fans -- with 60 per cent saying they're following the Canucks more closely.

But the hockey gods are looking down favourably on the election. Voting day is Tuesday, May 12 -- and there is no Canucks game scheduled.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Mi-Jung Lee