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Neighbour files complaint against B.C. seniors who continue 7 o'clock COVID-19 tribute

Vancouver -

For the past 15 months, rain or shine, René Doyharcabal and his neighbours have kept up a pandemic tradition most people have forgotten: the nightly honouring of front-line workers at 7 p.m.

But someone on the block clearly doesn’t like what they’re doing, and has filed a noise complaint with the Township of Langley, B.C.

“I really was surprised, because up until then any indication we had had from anybody was very positive,” said Doyharcabal outside his Brookswood home.

Indeed, most people seem to appreciate the tribute, and passing motorists often give the group a thumbs-up.

Not all of them do, however. Doyharcabal said a driver pulled up a few weeks ago to ask how long they were going to keep this up, “because it was a terrible nuisance.”

That same driver appeared again a few days ago, and this time was belligerent, Doyharcabal said.

“We continue doing this because these people are still doing all this extra for our benefit, and we felt the very least we could do was to continue paying them tribute,” Doyharcabal added.

Langley Township does have sound bylaws, which state that residents shouldn’t cause noise exceeding “55 dBA or 70 dBC when received at a Point of Reception in a Quiet Zone during the Daytime.”

That’s about the volume of an electric toothbrush.

There is little indication anything will come of the complaint. Even so, the group plans to invite the township to see and hear for itself.

If they are found to be breaking the rules, the neighbours say they will stop, but if that happens, they vow to find another way to honour frontline workers. Top Stories

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