Should I take the extra insurance when renting a car?

Gord from Vancouver wants to know if he should take the extra insurance he’s always offered at the rental car counter. The Insurance Brokers Association of B.C. says he may not have to because he could be covered by his existing ICBC insurance plan. If he has Roadside Plus or Roadstar, he’s covered for rental vehicles in Canada and the U.S. If he doesn’t have those packages or is traveling internationally, it might be cheaper to update existing coverage rather than paying the rental agency. Some credit cards also offer protection but IBABC advises checking with them before renting a car.

My new bike isn’t what I paid for. What should I do?

Johnny recently bought a bike at a Vancouver store and when it was delivered, it didn’t have the features he ordered. When he complained, Johnny said he was directed to the disclaimer “prices and specifications subject to change without notice.” He wanted to know what to do. The Consumer Association of Canada advises Johnny to demand what he paid for. It says a retailer is obliged to deliver the goods as sold and if something changes, the buyer has the right to know about it before delivery and then has the right to renegotiate for any deficiencies. The Competition Bureau told us how the item was advertised and the language in the disclaimer both play a part in the legal rights of the consumer.

Do I need to pay tax if the seller doesn’t have a tax number?

Carol wanted to know who pays the tax at home sales parties. She recently bought $200 worth of products and was asked to pay both G.S.T. and P.S.T. even though the sales person said she didn’t have tax numbers. Carol wanted to know if she was obligated to pay the tax. The Canadian Revenue Agency says anyone charging customers G.S.T. must have a G.S.T. registration number and display the number on any relevant goods being sold. The same rule is in place for the P.S.T.