A mysterious good Samaritan has cleaned up the anti-Semitic and racist graffiti found scrawled over the Okanagan Jewish Community Centre on Saturday.

Members of the synagogue are grateful because whoever it was did it just in time to prevent children from seeing the derogatory phrases when they arrived at daycare Monday morning.

"At this point we don't have a contact as to who was so kind and thoughtful," said the centre's Marcia Turner.

Sometime Friday night or early yesterday morning, vandals spray-painted the centre with swastikas and racist insults.

A nearby elementary school and some vehicles were also targeted.

The Kelowna RCMP don't have any suspects, but are investigating the vandalism as a hate crime.

"It's really upsetting to the Jewish community," said Const. Julie Rattee.

The attack left some people in Kelowna sickened to see such vandalism at a place fo worship.

"I had to stop and turn around, I've never seen anything like this, not in my lifetime," said one resident to CTV News.

Statistics Canada reported that Jews are the most targeted religious group in Canada, with 137 hate crimes of a total of 220 attacks motivated by religion across the country in 2006.

Cleanup experts estimate repainting the entire building will cost thousands of dollars.

"The problem with stucco is that it's porous and so the paint goes into all these pores," said Cameron Stutters of Stutters Disaster Cleanup. "It's really difficult to clean."

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Jina You