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It's going to be so hot in B.C. that a school district is closing all of its schools


The upcoming forecast was enough to prompt the closure of all schools in a B.C. school district for one day during the last week of school.

As part of an early summer heat wave leaving much of British Columbia feeling wilted, highs in parts of the province are estimated to reach 40 C on Monday.

With the humidex, it will likely feel much warmer.

It's hot enough that the school board in Mission has opted to keep all schools closed that day, which is the second-last day of the 2020-21 school year.

In a post on its website, Mission Public Schools wrote to parents and staff that the decision was made in part because many of its elementary schools don't have air conditioning.

Because of that, all public schools in School District 75 will be closed.

"We apologize for any inconvenience this closure creates for parents," Superintendent Angus Wilson wrote.

While kids get to stay home on Monday, staff will still be at work, and available to help support students and parents. Wilson wrote that temperatures will be monitored, however, and staff may be relocated depending on the heat.

At least for now, the plan is to reopen Tuesday for the final day of the year. Top Stories

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