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Former B.C. Liberal MLA John Rustad joins provincial Conservatives

Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad is seen in an undated image from his official Facebook page. Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad is seen in an undated image from his official Facebook page.

A former British Columbia Liberal cabinet minister sitting as an Independent has now become the legislature's only provincial Conservative member.

John Rustad, who represents the northern B.C. riding of Nechako Lakes, says the B.C. Conservatives now best represent his political views.

Rustad was dumped from the Liberal caucus last August by leader Kevin Falcon for his views suggesting climate change is not caused by carbon dioxide emissions.

First elected in 2005, Rustad has held cabinet posts in former Liberal governments, including forests and Indigenous relations.

Conservative Party of B.C. Leader Trevor Bolin says in a statement that he gladly welcomes Rustad and looks forward to working with him.

The Conservatives did not elect a candidate in the 2020 B.C. election.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Feb. 16, 2023. Top Stories

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