A North Vancouver charity that would normally start bringing Christmas cheer to poorer families is finding itself in need this holiday season.

The North Shore Christmas Bureau relies on a donated space each year to house their operations -- but this year, no one has stepped up to donate yet, said the bureau's Janet Sanderson.

"This year I've exhausted everything, there seems to be nothing out there, so we're desperate," said Sanderson.

The bureau distributes gifts every year through their toy shop, where parents can choose presents for their children.

The bureau also hands out hampers full of comfort items like clothing, food and gifts.

"It's low income families, people with a disability, some kind of illness, and sometimes it's people who have just lost their job," said Sanderson.

Sanderson said about three thousand square feet would be ideal for the toy shop, an office, and storage.

The space is normally donated each year and the owner is given a tax receipt.

The lack of space is especially concerning because this holiday season is expected to be busy. Bureau organizers have already received more than 200 applications from families looking for help.

Demand during the upcoming holiday season could pose challenges for other charities as well. Food banks are experiencing a significant drop in donations, possibly due to the economic downturn.

Whether they find a space or not, Sanderson says the bureau will find a way.

"It may not be great, maybe not as convenient for everyone, but we're determined that it will happen," she said.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Maria Weisgarber

If you would like to help, contact Janet Sanderson at Family Services of the North Shore at 604-988-5281 x 312, or at sanderson@familyservices.bc.ca.