VANCOUVER -- An alleged rioter has denied in court any involvement in the beating of a man who tried to protect a downtown Vancouver department store during the Stanley Cup riot.

Carlos Barahona Villeda says during cross-examination that Robert MacKay came towards him and others with a pole outside the Bay, and people in the crowd starting beating MacKay.

Barahona Villeda says one of his friends punched MacKay, but he insists that he himself never touched the man.

Barahona Villeda, along with Ioannis Kangles, Michael MacDonald, and David Leonati, are charged with assault and for participating in a riot, and all four have pleaded not guilty.

MacKay, who has been dubbed a Good Samaritan for his actions, testified earlier in the trial that he was severely beaten by a mob after he tried to defend the Bay from looters.

The violence and lawlessness that broke out in downtown Vancouver after the Vancouver Canucks lost to the Boston Bruins caused nearly $4 million in damages.