Responding to a two-year-old freedom of information request, Metro Vancouver's Transit Police Service released video Friday depicting nine separate incidents where officers deployed Tasers.

Four of the incidents began because the subjects did not pay their transit fare, police say.

B.C.'s Police Complaints Commissioner found no use of excessive force in any of the nine cases, however, and noted that all of the people Tasered either resisted arrest or assaulted police.

A 10th videotaped incident was not released due to an ongoing disciplinary proceeding for the officer involved. According to the office of the complaints commissioner, the Taser was misused in that incident.

The videos released by transit police were shot in 2007 and 2008 on either surveillance cameras or "Taser-cams" mounted onto the weapon itself.

None of the people stunned suffered significant injuries, police say.

Police Taser use has been under scrutiny in B.C. since the Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski died after receiving several Taser jolts by RCMP officers at the Vancouver airport in fall 2007.

In July of last year, Solicitor General Kash Heed directed all police in the province to severely restrict Taser use in accordance with the recommendations of Justice Thomas Braidwood, who led a commission into Dziekanski's death.

The recommendation called for Tasers to be used only if a person is causing or will cause bodily harm.

With files from The Canadian Press