A video posted online showing a brawl between five teenage girls is now being investigated by Mounties on Vancouver Island.

The video shows a girl being punched in the face by two other teens during a fight in a shopping mall parking lot.

After the victim falls to the ground, she is kicked repeatedly.

As many as 20 spectators are seen, and appear to make no effort to intervene. The incident finally ends when two girls step in and separate the fighters.

Police believe the fight took place over March break and say the girls are between 13 and 14-years-old.

"The victim received some bumps, bruises, a cut to her lip and a black eye from the altercation. The two girls who appear to be aggressors, ages 13 and 14, have been identified and are being investigated for assault," said Constable Gary O'Brien.

The probe was launched after the YouTube video link was forwarded to a Nanaimo school liaison officer.

O'Brien says it's disturbing that so many young people stood around and watched the alleged assault, and that recording incidents like this only leads to further victimization.