Police say no charges will be laid in the case of a leaked city of Vancouver document related to the financing of the Olympic athlete's village.

Vancouver Police say although they interviewed several members of city council and city hall staff, they couldn't find enough evidence to support charges.

However, police also point out some people refused to submit to a lie detector test.

The leaked document referred to a city of Vancouver $100 million loan guarantee to the builders of the village, a project the city later had to assume financing for when the original bankers pulled out.

When information about Olympic Village funding was leaked to the media. Gregor Robertson's Vsion Vancouver team had a field day, and nearly swept November's civic election because of it.

On November 11th, 2008, former mayor Sam Sullivan asked Chief Constable Jim Chu to conduct an investigation into a missing confidential document.

But now Chu says Vancouver Police have come up empty handed.

"One of the reasons our investigation was inconclusive is that they were not able to obtain all the polygraph interviews they had requested," said Vancouver Police Insp. Les Yeo.

Among those who said no were all of the newly elected Vision Vancouver councillors.

"I didn't take the polygraph because I was advised they are very unreliable and are never admissible in court,'' explained Vision Vancouver Councillor Tim Stevenson.

By declining to take the polygraph, Stevenson might be leaving himself open to the perception among rivals that he might have something to hide.

But he apparently doesn't see it that way. "No I think most people didn't take the polygraph,'' he said.

Some say the leaked document helped Gregor Robertson to win the mayor's chair. But after countless police hours, and dollars, they are no closer to finding out who leaked it.

"It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing for the city,'' said Stevenson.

With a report by CTV British Columbia's Shannon Paterson.