About 500 people turned out to walk around a Vancouver golf course on Sunday as part of a nationwide effort to raise money for a kids' telephone help service.

"Captain Canuck" Trevor Linden was one of the big names at the Bell Walk for Kids Help Phone, who helped the participants raise $120,000 for the Kids Help Phone.

"You guys are making a difference in a big way to a lot of kids," said Linden to the group of people.

The Kids Help Phone answers about 2 million calls a year, with 180,000 of those calls coming from about 240 communities across B.C.

Thousands of volunteers help kids navigate growing up, covering a wide range of issues like suicide, mental health, and bullying.

The 500 people walking the five kilometres around Langara Golf Course were a small part of a national 20,000-strong effort from more than 50 communities across Canada.

Their goal on Sunday was to raise $3-million for the kids help phone.

Some of the kids on the walk said the Kids Help Phone was a great tool.

"We can call if a kid needs help, if they're having problems," said Danielle Wierenga.

"It's a good idea to help kids because then they might be able to help themselves as well," said Maya Schoefield.

Linden wouldn't comment on his own future as a hockey player with the Vancouver Canucks.

"I'm not sure what direction I go, but, ah, you know I've got some thoughts, some ideas, and I've got some decisions to make as well," he said.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Dave Pinton