It's still almost a year before the implementation of the Harmonized Sales Tax, but groups on both sides of the debate have already begun waging a war of words on the World Wide Web.

"I think people are really furious," political commentator Bill Tieleman said.

Tieleman's Facebook group, NO BC HST, has already amassed more than 50,000 members. Tieleman says it's because people are frustrated they weren't given a chance to vote on the tax, and that the possibility of adopting HST was never mentioned during the 2009 provincial election campaign.

"It's pretty annoying that they got our votes, and then they throw this in afterwards without telling us," he said.

The pro-HST side has a Facebook group of its own called YES BC HST, though it currently only has about 100 members - and a handful of them are Liberal MLAs.

Buying a haircut, watching cable TV, eating a hot dog - even buying a home - will be made more expensive by the tax. But Finance Minister Colin Hansen says the HST will stimulate the economy, and make some things cheaper to make.

"Once HST is implemented, consumers will see lower prices than they would otherwise see for goods and services," Hansen said.

He also argues that the government will not directly benefit from joining PST and GST.

"The provincial government does not collect any more revenue under the HST system than we do under the current PST system."

But that's not enough to sell Tieleman on the tax.

"If it's such a bloody good idea, let people have their say on it," he said.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's St. John Alexander