Simple reinforcements can prevent a house from being robbed.

RCMP officer John Braithwaite is an expert when it comes to how burglars think.

He says burglars examine the outside of homes and apartments to see if they are vacant.

"Houses that are left unkept is definitely an attraction," Braithwaite said. "They'll pick an easy target. What you have to do is make your house the hardest target on the street."

Here are some ways to protect your house while you're away:

  • Have someone cut your lawn
  • Have someone pick up your mail, newspapers, and flyers
  • Have a neighbour park their car in your driveway
  • Call forward your home phone to your cell phone
  • Don't leave ladders outside where they allow easy access to upstairs windows
  • Unplug your garage door opener
  • Install timers for lights
  • Display an alarm system sign

All these tips could minimize a house from being on a burglar's radar.

Another important precaution is to have high quality locks installed.

"You get what you pay for and with locks, you certainly want to spend the extra bit of money," Braithwaite said.

Braithwaite recommends buying a grade-one lock that has at least a 2 inch deadbolt, along with a door reinforcer, a metal plate that doubles the strength of a door. He also suggests buying overlapping steel plates to make it impossible for a burglar to jimmy a door open, as well as anti-lift plates for sliding doors, to prevent burglars from lifting them open with a screwdriver.

These measures, coupled with an alert friendly neighbourhood, could act as a real deterrent to burglars and keep homes safe during the summer season.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Chris Olsen