No one was hurt but a fire badly damaged two apartments in a home on Lincoln Avenue in Cambridge Thursday night.

The upper floor apartment was hit harder, but damage to both apartments is estimated at over $100,000. The fire is not considered suspicious.

The residents of one apartment are staying with family, while the Red Cross is helping the residents of the other apartment, including Tom McDonald.

McDonald lived in the second floor apartment with his cousin and her boyfriend and was at work when the fire started in their unit.

He's glad everybody go out safely, "Absolutely, absolutely, nobody's hurt and that's okay. We can all get over it, right."

The Red Cross is finding them temporary shelter and supplies.

Gilles Bruno lives next door, he says the couple on the main floor and their two dogs also got out safely despite the roaring fire.

"And I looked out the side and there were flames shooting through the roof up here and shooting out from the chimney and saw all the flames moving all the way to the front, so it was going pretty good."

Fire crews were reportedly dealing with a significant amount of fire and smoke, but were able to put out the fire and prevent it from spreading further.

Cambridge Fire Cpt. Mark Yantha says "It's accidental. We're looking at candles as a possibility, but it's accidental, and we also want to rule out electrical."

Fire officials are crediting smoke detectors with warning residents and allowing them to get out quickly.