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'Habitat islands' to combat rising seas levels proposed for Vancouver waterfront


Vancouver's West End waterfront could be transformed to help combat rising sea levels as part of a proposed revitalization project.

The Vancouver Park Board and the city released their ‘Imagine West End Waterfront’ design concept that stretches 95 acres from English Bay to the Burrard Street Bridge.

The concept includes a pair of man-made islands offshore from the base of Chilco Street.

The “habitat islands” are said to be constructed to address wave-induced flooding. Over the next 80 years sea levels will rise by about one metre while predicting more frequent coastal storm surges, according to the design proposal.

Along with the islands, the design will include raising and extending the beaches in English Bay and Sunset Beach to adapt to the sea level change.

Aside from climate-proofing the shoreline, the draft concept outlines additional park activities, facilities, amenities and road configurations.

Stanley Park to Guilford Street could have an elevated boardwalk with a viewing deck of the ocean, while also making Beach Avenue west of Denman Street a two way street.

Under this design, English Bay would receive a new bathhouse, welcome centre, cafe, washrooms and a splash pad.

A series of small gathering spaces and a low tide seaside path to allow people to get closer to the water are proposed between Bidwell and Broughton streets.

An amphitheatre with a cafe would be constructed further down the shoreline at Sunset Beach.

The design also features a covered skate park, roller hockey rink and paths for biking and walking.

This concept is slated to take upwards of 30 years to complete and the city is now asking for feedback on the design.

An online survey is up on the city’s website until Nov. 26 and there will two in-person open houses this month have been scheduled for this month.

A full list of the proposed changes can be found on the city’s website Top Stories

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