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Friends identify family of four found dead in Prince Rupert home


While RCMP in Prince Rupert continue to investigate the discovery of four bodies inside a home Tuesday evening, friends have confirmed that the victims are a couple and two young boys.

RCMP have yet to formally identify the deceased, but friends say they are Janet Nguyen, her partner Chris Duong, and their sons. Nguyen recently posted photos on social media of the family on vacation together in Cancun.

Police won’t reveal how they discovered the bodies or the cause of death, but they say there is no threat to the public and there are no outstanding suspects.

“What the RCMP have said publicly is really all we know for sure,” said Prince Rupert Mayor Herb Pond. “It’s easy to get ahead of them and start making some assumptions, we are just going to wait for them. But clearly it’s a tragedy. They are talking about having found four bodies in a home in Prince Rupert.”

North Coast MLA Jennifer Rice says the city is shocked and heartbroken.

“Any death in any community is one too many. And when you’re small community at the end of Highway 16 and everybody knows everybody, we all feel this particularly hard,” Rice said, adding Prince Rupert has recently experienced another tragedy.

Last November, a woman was shot and killed in a murder suicide at a local mall.

“I think it’s important for us to remember as a community that during past tragedies, we were able to hold each other up and we were there for our friends and our families for our neighbours. And we can do that again during this difficult time,” said Rice.

When asked if this latest incident could be another murder suicide, RCMP would only say the investigation is ongoing. Top Stories

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