It's not the most pleasant topic, but it's one that's prompted a lot of Yaletown residents to cry foul. We're talking about dog poo -- lots of it on the streets, on the sidewalks and in parks.

Many people are saying enough is enough.

There are big ones -- small ones and the ones in between. No we're not talking about the dogs. We're talking about the "waste" these canines and their owners leave behind.

One woman walking by said it for many.

"We love to have all the animals. It's wonderful that they're a part of our lives, but it would be nice if they'd pick it up," she said.

Even dog-friendly businesses like Tanya King's Dog and Hydrant shop aren't immune to the flagrant feces.

"There's been times when I come into the store, come in in the morning and there's some dog that's done his business in front of the store which is not very good for business," she said.

Despite the clearly displayed sign warning of big fines and the clearly visible garbage can conveniently located for dog owners at key locations, some dog walkers are simply ignoring the bylaws.

So what do we do about it? The Vancouver Park Board says it is well aware of the concerns and is looking at solutions.

"On a percentage basis, I probably get more e-mails about people concerned about dogs themselves running all over the place, dog feces all over the place," said Aaron Jasper, Vancouver Park Board Commissioner

"I think enforcement is the key. Would we need a lot of enforcement officers? I don't think so. But it has to be something that would be self funding and again the purpose would be to go after the bad apples."

However, until something is done to get the problem under control -- there's little else you can do but keep a close eye on where you're walking.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Stephen Smart.