B.C. could table legislation to scrap annual "spring forward" and "fall back" time changes as early as a few weeks from now, according to Premier John Horgan.
Horgan made his first official visit to Yukon Monday to meet with Yukon Premier Sandy Silver in Whitehorse, and daylight time was one topic they discussed.
"I expect we'll have legislation in weeks ahead," Horgan said.
Earlier this year, the B.C. government asked citizens for their input on whether the province should permanently move to daylight time, the time the province currently only uses for about two-thirds of the year.
It was the largest public engagement in B.C.'s history. Approximately 223,000 people responded, more than the number who weighed in on electoral reform or cannabis legalization.
A whopping 93 per cent of respondents said they want to keep the same time year-round.
Washington, Oregon and California are all considering their own move to a steady year-round clock. But the states will need federal approval, unlike B.C. and Yukon which can decide what to do without input from Ottawa.
While it's clear British Columbians want to scrap the twice-yearly time change, Horgan said he wants to do it at the same time as the province's neighbours. Silver echoed that, adding he wants time to consult with Yukon stakeholders as well.
"I believe that if the West Coast moves in lock step we're better off," Horgan said.