A Surrey animal breeder said she wants to be open for business even though the BC SPCA is recommending that she be charged with animal cruelty.

Earlier this year the BC SPCA raided one of Ivy Zhou’s breeding and boarding facilities and seized 82 animals, including two cats that had to be euthanized due to “critical distress.” At another raid in 2014, the SPCA seized several dogs and cats from the same facility.

“We have recommended charges in this particular case and we're just waiting from Crown to hear if those charges are accepted,” said Marcie Moriarty, the BC SPCA's chief prevention and enforcement officer.

Recently Zhou posted online ads showing she is ready to care for animals again.

CTV News spoke with Zhou at Surrey City Hall as she was applying for a business licence.

“She’s here to apply for a business licence for grooming and daycare,” a translator for Zhou told CTV.

Documents show Zhou owes the BC SPCA more than $37,000 to pay for the care of the animals seized from her kennel. She is also facing a $25,000 lawsuit from a client who claims Zhou let a dog die in her care.

In September, the SPCA ordered Zhou to improve the conditions for dogs, cats, a goat and a chicken.

Moriarty said there is currently no grounds for the BC SPCA to deem Zhou unfit to work with animals.

“Unless a person is convicted of animal cruelty and receives a ban on owning animals, there is no power for the BC SPCA to say, ‘Look, this person clearly should not be caring for, boarding, selling, breeding animals,’” she said.

Surrey’s bylaw department said it is investigating allegations in a petition calling for a ban on any animals in Zhou’s kennels.

Through a translator, Zhou said she didn't know the BC SPCA gave her any orders in September. Instead, she believes she is the victim of a smear campaign by other dog daycares.

“She cried every night. She is a single mother. She cannot stand for this bully,” Zhou’s translator said.

Surrey’s licence department told CTV News that Zhou has not proved that she has changed and the department will not consider her application.

With a report from CTV Vancouver’s Jon Woodward