VANCOUVER -- Four people charged with breaking and entering into a Fraser Valley pig farm last year appeared in court in Abbotsford Monday.

The so-called Excelsior Four pleaded not guilty to those charges, as well as mischief, saying they did nothing wrong.

The charges came after video was released by PETA last April. The organization said it was shot anonymously at the Excelsior Hog Farm earlier that year. 

The video showed disturbing scenes. A number of dead piglets were visible, as was a pig corpse that appeared to be in an advanced state of decomposition.

Some of the pigs appeared to have growths, and one seemed to have trouble standing.

Following the release of the video, a protest was held at the farm. Charges stem from both the protest and an alleged break-and-enter reported in February.

Following the court appearance Monday, the activists were joined by supporters at a rally outside a BC SPCA property.

They accuse the society of failing to live up to its responsibilities.

The SPCA told CTV News that the video raised concerns, but was not admissible in court because it was captured illegally.

The society said it couldn't come to any legal conclusions that an offence had taken place, especially as whoever recorded the video wouldn't co-operate.

None of the allegations have been proven in court.