Delta police are investigating a seemingly random shooting in the quiet Sunshine Hills neighbourhood.

Shots rang out over the quiet residential neighbourhood late Saturday night that pierced a number of cars but left no one reporting injuries.

"It was cracking sound and it was going boom boom boom boom," said area resident Irene Lau. "Me and my kids were camping in the backyard. And somehow I heard some cracking sound."

Neighbours reported hearing at least eight shots fired, many of whom ducked when the loud bangs cracked through the quiet streets.

“I didn't know that something like this would happen in the neighbourhood," said Lau.

"Nowadays it doesn't surprise me, it's in everyone's neighbourhood now," said another resident Ron Charlesworth.

"Anybody could have got hurt. It's a good thing that didn't happen,” added Jessica Holloway who also lives in the area.

Delta police continue to search for suspects. Anyone with information is asked to call Delta police at 604.946.4411.