As Surrey moves toward adopting a new bylaw banning smoking at the city's parks and beaches, some fear it will simply be flaunted – like the rules at a local hospital.

Investigating a viewer complaint, CTV News had no trouble finding several people puffing away near the entrance to Surrey Memorial Hospital – despite a sign barring smoking on the property.

Ruth Reiter says she walks through a cloud of second-hand smoke every day to visit her sick relative inside. "Even small kids are getting second-hand smoke from people standing right in front of the doorway," Reiter said.

Though CTV did see one security guard shooing a smoker away, Reiter says she's complained to other guards who did nothing. "He shrugged it off and went back to doing what he was doing, just sitting there reading his paper," she said.

The city's current bylaws restrict smoking within 7.5 metres of doors, windows, air intakes and patios. Council is now considering a ban that would fine smokers $200 for lighting up anywhere in parks or beaches.

But Reiter says if smokers are being allowed to break the rules at a hospital, she doubts a ban in parks will work.

Asked about the apparent lack of enforcement at Surrey Memorial, Mayor Dianne Watts promised to investigate.

"I can certainly have a conversation with Fraser Health Authority and the hospital themselves to make sure they are enforcing that perimeter," she said.

Smoking bylaws are as much about community responsibility and education as they are about enforcement, she added.

Have your say: Is Surrey's smoking ban a good idea?