A Chilliwack care home lets some residents go for ten days without a bath and one of its employees doctored an account of an alleged sexual assault, claims one of the care facility's employees.

Sheryl Hall, an employee at Eden Care Home, said that a lack of staff means that residents are sometimes neglected in other ways as well.

"A lot of times, people will come in in the morning and some people will still be in their clothing from the day before because there wasn't enough people on the day before," said Hall.

Hall spoke out after hearing an investigation into another care home in the Fraser Valley discovered claims of abuse, including taking a naked picture of a senior and passing it around.

At Eden Care Home, the facility administrator said she only learned of Hall's allegations Thursday.

"Admittedly, they certainly are (serious allegations)," said Elaine Price.

"I'm a nurse by profession and so this is upsetting for me so I would like to be able to investigate," said Price.

Among Hall's allegations, outlined in an e-mail to CTV and Fraser Health:

  • Alleged sexual assault of a patient but when a nurse documented the incident, a supervisor allegedly told her to take documents out of a patient chart because it would look bad
  • Residents were left in bed all day
  • Laundry bags were not washed
  • Required criminal record checking isn't always done right away

Hall said she still hasn't gotten her criminal record checked and she's been working since February 1.

Hall says she's not sure what will happen when she returns to work. But she says she's speaking out to make a difference for seniors.

"I just really want changes to be made," Hall told CTV News.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Michele Brunoro