VANCOUVER -- A series of ongoing protests against COVID-19 restrictions in Kelowna, B.C., is expected to escalate into a '"mega-rally" this weekend, raising concerns from police and elected officials.

The local RCMP detachment and Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran both released video statements this week condemning the planned event and urging people to avoid whatever size of crowd should emerge on Saturday.

"This is unlawful, and it's putting our community in danger," said Supt. Kara Triance, the officer in charge of the Kelowna RCMP.

"I want the public to know that the police are taking all steps possible in our lawful authority to stop these actions."

Fines will be dished out as necessary using provisions of B.C.'s Emergency Program Act, Triance added.

COVID-19 deniers and skeptics have been meeting in the city's Stuart Park every weekend for months, with dwindling numbers. It's unclear how many people are expected at Saturday's "mega-rally."

Signs spotted at previous events read "Death #'s and case #'s are meaningless," "We've been lied to," and "Will Canada be free again?"

The organizer, identified by news organization Castanet as David Lindsay, has already been fined a total of $6,900 in connection with the events.

Basran stressed that the anti-restriction protesters don't represent Kelowna's population, the vast majority of whom have been dutifully doing their part to stop the spread of COVID-19.

"This is a relatively small group of people compared to the many thousands of Kelowna citizens who follow all public health orders," Basran said in his video statement.

The mayor also asked out-of-towners planning to travel into Kelowna to participate to think twice: "Your disregard for the safety of others is not welcome here," he said.

Counter-protesters have shown up to at least one previous event, and Kelowna RCMP strongly discouraged anyone from adding to the crowd size this weekend.

Triance said officers will once again be on scene to gather evidence, issue tickets, and keep the peace.

She described these kinds of rallies as putting "our officers and our public at risk of injury and possible infection."

With files from