Tami Reilly is like most moms....busy. But she still wants to serve nutritious home cooked meals. She makes hers ahead of time, using one of many meal assembly services that have started up over the last few years.

"It's just a big huge time saver and it's a little different than buying the lasagna out of the supermarket freezer," said Tammy.

Customers register for a session. All of the ingredients are chopped and prepared before you get there. When you arrive at the store -- it's all ready to go.

"The measurements are all there for you. Exactly what you need. It's just a matter of following the instructions and one two three and you're done," says Corinne Stadel of Sensational Suppers.

And it doesn't take long -only about five to seven minutes a meal.

"So if you're assembling twelve meals you're done well before two hours. If you're doing one meal you're done in ten minutes," said Stadel.

A lot of the meals can be split, and frozen separately in individual portions.

Half orders are also available and all meals come with a side dish like vegetables or pasta.

They even have meals already for pick up. The big question is, how does the cost compared to doing it at home on your own? About five dollars a serving.

Meal assembley services

And busy families or singles aren't the only ones who may benefit from meal assembly services.

"We also have our seniors who are not really looking to go shopping and make big meals.

They come in and they do a single portion meal they're getting all their protein and getting a variety," explained Stadel.

A quick search on-line can turn up other services near you. Some are designed to freeze a meal. Others are all about a meal you can prepare -- put in the fridge and serve in a day or two.

Tami Reilly is like most moms -- busy. But she still wants to serve nutritious home cooked meals. She makes hers ahead of time, using one of many meal assembly services that have started up over the last few years.

"It's just a big huge time saver and it's a little different than buying the lasagna out of the supermarket freezer," said Tammy.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Chris Olsen