The majority of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder have trouble falling asleep.

Matthew Yanko, 10, is one of them. He has a hard time turning his thoughts off before going to bed.

"I tried eating late, eating early," Matthew said. "I tried everything and -- nothing. It didn't work at all."

The problem is made worse if a child takes a stimulant medication to help control the condition.

But now there is a proven, natural method that will help kids get a good night's rest.

Recent research at B.C.'s Children's Hospital has found a way for these children and their parents to get a better night's rest.

Dr. Margaret Weiss, a child psychiatrist at the ADHD clinic at B.C. Children's Hospital, says one of the reasons why ADHD children do not feel sleepy is because they actually have a difference in their brains.

"They fall asleep late and have a great deal of difficulty waking up in the morning," she said.

Dr. Weiss's study was the first to show that kids can use melatonin -- which is neither a hypnotic nor a tranquilizer -- to correct the problem.

It's had a huge impact for families living with ADHD. So much so that melatonin is now recommended around the world for sleeping difficulties associated with the condition.

"In our clinic we recommend three to six milligrams an hour before bedtime, and we also strongly recommend that parents combine that with a relatively normal sleep schedule," said Weiss.

Matthew's mom Krista worried about the impact of these sleepless nights for Matthew.

But he's been taking melatonin now for six months -- and it appears to be working.

"I'm not cranky, I'm not arguing, and yeah, just feeling good," said Matthew.

Should people buy melatonin over the counter for their kids?

Most ADHD Kids are night owls and for some -- trouble falling asleep is made worse by stimulant medications. Over the counter melatonin is less well controlled than prescription drugs, but in general the melatonin you buy over the counter works well.

But before parents try melatonin, it's important to make sure good sleeping habits are in place first, because a significant number of sleeping problems in kids can respond to this alone. So that includes having a set bedtime routine, such as taking a bath, and reading before lights out. Also it's critical to have a consistent bed and wake-up time each day.

Are there any side effects to taking melatonin?

It's often used for jet lag. Side effects are really uncommon, but they could include daytime sleepiness, headaches and abdominal discomfort. The most common complaint I hear is vivid dreaming. Talk to your doctor if you plan on trying melatonin. Overall, melatonin is considered to be very safe in both children and adults. For everyone, when you sleep better it always helps improve attention and how you feel the next day.