The gold medal Paralympic sledge hockey game was supposed to be the hottest -- and potentially the most lucrative -- ticket in town.

But after Canada's 3-1 loss to Japan in the semi-finals on Thursday, the web was flooded with disappointed fans looking to offload their seats, often at much cheaper prices than they might have hoped for.

"I'm not interested in Japan versus whomever, so I'm selling my 2 tickets to the gold medal sledge hockey game this Saturday," Vancouver resident John Egan wrote in a post on Craigslist.

Egan told that he was planning on taking a friend to the game, but that changed after he learned Canada would be playing for bronze, not gold.

"I'm bummed," he said. "But Japan played better -- that's how you win."

He's selling the tickets at face value -- $56 each -- and he's had lots of offers. "I'm not looking to gouge anyone. There are people out there asking for $200."

Like Jacob Stopa, for example.

The Vancouver man was asking for $250 each for his gold medal tickets. That price seems somewhat unlikely now.

"I have had inquiries, but that was before Canada lost, and I expect to receive a lot less for them now," Stopa said in an email.

He said he bought a set of four tickets with plans to take a friend, and was always going to sell the remaining two -- hopefully, for a tidy little profit.

"It would have been nice to get a little more for the tickets than a little less, but in the end it's really not that big of a deal," Stopa said.

"If I don't get any takers on the tickets, I'll probably just take my friend's parents instead and have a nice little Saturday."

Meanwhile, hopeful fans offered to trade their once-prized gold medal tickets for bronze, and those holding bronze medal tickets were already jacking up their prices -- from $56 to $80 and beyond.

One seller was already asking $220 for each of his bronze medal tickets.

Another claimed to have ten bronze-medal tickets for sale at $95 a pop -- proof, perhaps, that it pays to plan ahead.