Fraser Health has confirmed the measles outbreak that began in B.C. at a Chilliwack school has now infected a student at BCIT in Burnaby.

The health authority is working with the school to alert students who may have come in contact with this person.

Students who attended classes in building NE1 of the BCIT campus on March 6 or 7 may return to school on March 17 if they have two documented doses of MMR vaccine, if they are born before 1970 or if they had measles in the past.

Fraser Health is urging those who have symptoms of measles to isolate themselves at home.

Health officials say the student is a sibling of an infected child who attends Mount Cheam Christian School in Chilliwack where the outbreak began.

The first two confirmed measles cases came from the religuious Chilliwack school, which sits on property next to the Church of the Religious Congregation of North America.  The pastor has told reporters that vaccines interfere with God's plan.

Fraser Health has said up to 100 other children could be infected within the school community, which health officials say has a vaccination rate of next to zero.

Measles spreads through the air when an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes.

The virus can survive in small droplets in the air for several hours.

For more information on measles visit the Fraser Health website.

With files from The Canadian Press.